網站名稱: 瑞高精密有限公司
鏈結: http://www.bestko.com
描述: - Manufacturer of stainless steel hardware items in HK and owned factory in China. Our product series are door lever handle locksets and shower hinges. Any OEM projects for stainless steel hardware items are also welcome. 
服務地區: 香港
主要語言: 繁體
所屬目錄: 香港網站目錄 : 商業與經濟 : 製造業
收錄日期: 2007-07-01 
批核: 已通過核實
狀態: 正常 

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Tag: 瑞高精密有限公司, www.bestko.com, - Manufacturer of stainless steel hardware items in HK and owned factory in China. Our product series are door lever handle locksets and shower hinges. Any OEM projects for stainless steel hardware items are also welcome., http://www.bestko.com