網站名稱: Uche Edu
鏈結: http://uche.edu.hk/
描述: The mission of UCHE is to offer quality higher education opportunities for secondary school leavers, sub-degree graduates and working professionals that provide a solid foundation for further studies, career development, and lifelong learning. In other wo 
服務地區: 香港
主要語言: 簡體
所屬目錄: 香港網站目錄 : 教育 : 升學就業
收錄日期: 2020-06-17 
批核: 已通過核實
狀態: 正常 

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Tag: Uche Edu, uche.edu.hk, The mission of UCHE is to offer quality higher education opportunities for secondary school leavers, sub-degree graduates and working professionals that provide a solid foundation for further studies, career development, and lifelong learning. In other wo, http://uche.edu.hk/